Type 1, Type 2, Pre-diabetic
A Transformational Journey
15 days of short videos to remove the original cause of your diabetes and shift to the New Reality "It’s so simple and so clear you think why have we not done this before!" Ginny M. U.K.
"A completely different and fresh way to change." Kim N. New Hampshire USA
Video Program
Welcome Video Discover the world of Troubles Away. Learn the hacks that enable you to get the most from the program for a lasting cure. Introduction - Fifteen Hundred B.C. What happened that started the troubles we have today? Day 1 – The Child Discover the fantasy world we live in that is the cause of our troubles including diabetes. Day 2 – The Activation Insight Learn the insight that enables you to easily begin to remove the original cause of troubles in your life including any diabetic or pre-diabetic condition. Day 3 – Venus Find out more about the two physical catastrophes that took place around 1,500 B.C. that helped create the feeling/beliefs in the cupboard of the unconscious. Plus Behind the Scenes - My Favourite Velikovsky Day 4 – The Second Greatest Lie How is it that feeling/beliefs such as guilt, shame and undeserving unconsciously control our lives and create illness? Plus Behind the Scenes - A Short History of Virology Day 5 – The Cleanser A fun game you can play as you go about your day to remove the feeling beliefs in the cupboard that create the trouble for you and others. Day 6 – Ground Zero A game to get you back to the deeply satisfying peace that is your true identity beyond the symptoms of your illness. Day 7 - Monoatomic Elements Naturally occurring elements that aid our reconnection to Source or the Zero Point Field. Day 8 – Compulsive Behaviour Appreciating more about how unconscious feeling/beliefs can wreak havoc as they take control of our lives and create medical conditions. Plus Behind the Scenes - The Pure Cleanser Game Day 9 – The Sausage Machine Understanding how troubles like diabetes can seem to appear out of nowhere. Plus Behind the Scenes - Opening the Cupboard Visualisation Day 10 – Transference Learning more about how we project our unconscious feeling/beliefs onto others as a way of avoiding feeling them ourselves. Is this why the medical system seeks to keep you in life-long dependency by treating your condition but not providing a cure? Day 11 – Chairman Mao Looking at how the feeling/beliefs in the cupboard of the unconscious caused the deaths of an estimated 30 million Chinese during the Great Leap Forward. Plus Behind the Scenes - The Simplest Game Day 12 – The Emperor’s New Clothes A tour of some of the fantasies designed to either keep us blind to our past or to create troubles for us. Plus Behind the Scenes - Break a Leg! Day 13 – A New Game Bringing in the super-conscious mind to heal ourselves and every man, woman and child on earth. Day 14 – Demons What are demons? Are we being controlled by them? Are they the cause of disease? Day 15 – Frequency Take a step up in clearing troubles from your life by seeing the world as frequency. Bonus - How I Cured My Diabetes in Three Weeks What condition can’t be healed as soon as we remove the Original Toxicity and return to Nature’s frequencies? Bonus - Ho'oponopono We Can Do This - The Ho'ponopono Way. A beautiful game to heal you. Bonus - How Good Does It Get? The life you dream of is already here. Bonus - It is All for You! Discover the hidden gift behind all your troubles. References
Yale and Princeton University researcher Julian Jaynes ,The Origin of Consciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind. Princton University researcher Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision. and Mankind in Amnesia. Harvard University researcher Robert J. Lifton, Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima. The whole concept just takes the carpet out from under your feet and it feels like it is true. It feels like there is so much truth in it that I can’t ignore it. G. C. UK
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